The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists

Illinois Secretary of State
Federal Highway Administration
Illinois Department of Transportation
Illinois State Police
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Safety Council
Operation Lifesaver
New to Illinois Driving – CyberDriveIllinois
Driver's License/State ID Card Services – Links to topics related to Driver's License/State ID Card. Such as acceptable identification, application information, fees, renewals, reinstatement fees, etc….
Secretary of State Facility Finder. – Find the nearest facility to you by entering your City or Zip Code. Secretary of State facilities for CDL, disability placards, driver license, license plates, reinstatement fees, State ID, etc….
Safe Driver Renewal Driver Services – Secretary White offers this program to qualifying license drivers by keeping a clean driving record for the past four years. Your application for a Safe Driver Renewal is an affirmation that you have read the renewal application letter and no situation exists that would make you ineligible to lawfully apply for a driver's license and that all information submitted by you is true and correct.
Driver's License Status – In May 2016, The Illinois Secretary of State's office began centrally issuing drivers licenses, ID cards and Commercial Learners Permits. The new card is being sent to you through the mail. If you have not received your permanent card after 15 business days, you can check the status by entering your information on this page.
Driver's License Reinstatement – A direct guide to all of the fees and dues on the different types of suspension.
Adult Driver Education – For Adult Driver Applicants Ages 18-20. Effective July 1, 2014 Public Act 98-167 requires Illinois driver's license applicants ages 18, 19, or 20, who have never previously been licensed or completed an approved driver education course, to complete a six hour Adult Driver Education Course by certified providers. You will find us there!
Commercial Driver's License (CDL) – Links to topics related to Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP). Such as Requirements, Facility Finder, Testing, School Bus Permit, Vehicles Requiring a CDL, etc….
Teen Driver Safety – For Parents/Legal Guradians of teens ready to get their drivers license. You will find a message from Jesse White here.
MADD-Mothers Against Drunk Driving – Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a nonprofit organization in the United States and Canada that seeks to stop drunk driving, support those affected by drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and strive for stricter impaired driving policy, whether that impairment is caused by alcohol or any other drug.
Online Services – Cyberdriveillinois has a more complete list of available online services on their webpage.